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New Year, New Post

New Year, New Post

Hi everyone!  It’s been a while (an inexcusably long while, to be honest) but we are so excited to be back and ready to fill you in on everything that has been going on around this old home of ours!  We thought that the beginning of the new year was a perfect time to pretend we didn’t abandon the blog for the last 4 months give you a recap of everything that has been going on around here that we mightttt have been neglecting to update you on.  While we have made a fair amount of progress on our to-do list in recent months, we still have a long way to go and lots of design decisions that we would love your help with.  We are going to break the progress down into smaller sections instead of doing one giant post, so we will start exactly where we left off.

As a refresher, we asked you to vote on which color we should paint the foundation of our house.  The winner was white and we promptly got to work making your wishes come true.  We ended up loving the way it turned out. You can judge the final product for yourself in the before and after pictures below.

